

A ‘Psychic Crown’ for the Grodd character on The Flash, which allows him to perform mind control. Main challenge here was getting the gorilla to sit still while I taped a piece of metal to it’s head. ;)

End client: CW The Flash / Produced at and contracted by IRL Creative / Art direction by Flash Props team

My contribution: concept art sketching, 3D modeling

Grodd Psychic Crown render-retrobound.jpg
CONCEPT 1-Grodd Psychic Crown-retrobound.jpg
CONCEPT 2-Grodd Psychic Crown-retrobound.jpg
CONCEPT 3-Grodd Psychic Crown-retrobound.jpg
Grodd Psychic Crown-in process-retrobound.jpg
Grodd Psychic Crown-CNC aluminum.jpg
Grodd Psychic Crown-retrobound.jpg